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Your driver – your liability. So who does drive in your organisation?

Home > News > Your driver – your liability. So who does drive in your organisation?

In our experience we have found that most companies do not know for certain which employees drive on company business. The best way to find out who does drive is by running an Employee Audit.

All companies have a responsibility to ensure, as far as is reasonably practical, that the health, safety and welfare of employees is looked after in the workplace.

A company must ensure that others are not put at risk by the work activities of their employees.

Under Duty of Care guidelines an employer, has a Duty of Care for all their Drivers and the general public to ensure “work related road safety” obligations are met.

So Why Audit?

To understand, identify and reduce the risks involved in driving at work, our audit verifies:

  • Which employees drive for work
  • What they drive
  • Whether they are both aware of your policies and have read and understood them
  • Highway code knowledge
  • General health
  • Incident history

Additional Flexibility

  • The audit is flexible you can add or remove questions
  • The audit raises alerts for answers that cause concern
  • Auditable actions can be undertaken to remedy
  • The process is then repeated on a frequency based on your policy

Licence Bureau through our Audit can verify with every employee whether or not they drive for work and that they are aware of your policies which they have read and understood.

The audit also ensures they are compliant and you are aware of what and when they drive as well as their general health.

Our audit ensures compliance and that the employee is aware of what is required of them.

In addition the audit for no extra charge can be amended to remove questions and add in those that are unique to your own business thus allowing non driving issues to be raised and complied with.

Once each employee has undertaken the audit you can then decide the frequency for non-drivers and drivers to ensure you stay compliant!

If you’d like to discuss reducing the risks, cost and time involved in managing your drivers please contact us today.

If you would just like to know about how any of our services could help meet your organisation’s objectives, drop us a line.

Licence Bureau is now part of the TTC Group